Lookout platform

In collaboration with NSFF - Norwegian Spotter and Aviation Enthusiast Association, a separate viewing platform has been built at the museum. This is located at the back of the museum, overlooking the western runway. The platform is open around the clock, all year round.
When using the platform, we ask visitors to use the SAS Museum's car park. Remember that it is forbidden to park along the fence between the Museum and the airport area.
Clean up after yourself. It is in everyone's interest that the platform and the surrounding area are kept free of litter, cigarette butts and debris.
Try our new APP
Download the SAS Museet app and move digitally through the museum. Either from home or when you are visiting.

Museum Map
Here you will find a map of the exhibition at the SAS Museum - the map may differ from the actual exhibition as changes are made at regular intervals.

Click on the image to see the map larger
Grassroots share
DNL/SAS Historielag is with i THE GRASS ROOTS SHARE – In this way you can help support the operation of the SAS Museum:
The grassroots share was launched on 1 March 2009. The grassroots share is a scheme that enables players at Norsk Tipping to give 7 per cent of their stake directly to a team or an association. For bets on Multix, Instaspill and Oddsen, the Grasrotandelen is 14 per cent of the stake after deductions for winnings.
The grassroots share applies to all of Norsk Tipping's games, except physical ones
Flax Lottery and Belago.
You must be a customer of Norsk Tipping to become a grassroots donor. You can connect with a grassroots recipient at one of our commissioners or log in to our website. You can apply for grassroots recipients here. Search for the desired grassroots recipient and select "connected". You can change your grassroots receiver at any time.
Det Norske Luftfartselskap Historielag - organization no. 995 878 429.
Price per calendar: NOK 100, DKK 100, SEK 100.
Postage rates in Norway:
1-2 calendars NOK 45, 3-6 calendars NOK 88.
Correspondingly for Scandinavia and Europe:
1-2 calendars NOK 59, 3-6 calendars NOK 115.
Order: Send email topost@sasmuseet.com
DNL/SAS History team
DNL / SAS Historielag was founded on 20 November 1989. The association has several activities throughout the year and stands together with the historical associations in Denmark and Sweden for the operation of the SAS Museum in Gardermoen.
The main task of the DNL-SAS Historielag is to look after the SAS Museum at Gardermoen. As of January 2018, we are 26 people from the DNL-SAS History Team who work on a number of cases on the history team's working day, Tuesday, but also on other days of the week here at the SAS Museum. It may be in connection with rental, tours of associations and groups, renewal and maintenance of the building and the exhibition. A considerable number of hours are spent here.

The history team's employees are in charge of all museum work, the organization of all meeting activities, tours, meals and the like. Be it during our normal opening hours, as well as days beyond normal opening hours. In addition, there is a great need to preserve and communicate SAS's history for the media and our descendants.
We hold annual meetings with lectures, films and social gatherings.
Become a member today of the Norwegian history team, your membership helps to keep the SAS Museum at Gardermoen running. Get in touch with us today and we will send you a voucher for membership, which costs NOK 250 per year.
As a member, you can also contribute to the museum operation as we need more zealous people to help in the museum.​
You can contact us here:
Tel. 957 18 005
(The phone is diverted after 30 seconds if there is no answer on the museum's phone)
DNL/SAS History team
PO Box 144
2061 Gardermoen